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• Conférence

On the Canonization of Greek Tragedies

Vendredi 21 septembre 2018, 14 heures
Université Paris Nanterre, bâtiment Max Weber, salle 02

Présentation  Conférence par William Marx dans le cadre de :

Exploratory workshop

“Mémoire volontaire”:
Historical conditions of textual canonisations

21st of September 2018.
Bâtiment Max Weber, University of Nanterre.

One hour is devoted to each pre-paper. Discussion will be privileged.

Each participant will have 20 to 30 minutes to present freely her/his contribution (the projection of a powerpoint is obviously possible). The floor will then be given to each of the participants, so that everyone can take a few minutes to react and question the speaker.

9h Miguel John Versluys (University of Leiden)
Mémoire volontaire? Canonisation as cultural formation: some introductory remarks

10h Renaud Gagné (University of Cambridge)
Sanctuaries of Song: Hymnic Geography and Contests of Authority in Archaic Greece

11h Marie Young (University of Heidelberg and of Paris I, Pantheon Sorbonne)
Creation and Evolution of Canons from the Medio-Babylonian until the Hellenistic Period: an overview

12h General discussion

12h30 Lunchbreak.

14h William Marx (University of Nanterre) On the Canonization of Greek Tragedies

15h André Lardinois (Radboud University, Nijmegen)
The Selection and Transmission of Athenian Tragedy in Antiquity

16h Damien Agut-Labordère (CNRS, Paris)
"La mémoire nécessaire": the Fixation of Egyptian Demotic literature

17h30 General discussion

Organisation et contact : William Marx (william.marx@parisnanterre.fr)

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Littérature et Poétique comparées – Université Paris Nanterre – UFR PHILLIA, bât. L – 200, avenue de la République – 92001 Nanterre Cedex